26 January, 2019
4:00 pm


Café of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Estonia (EKKM Café), and Estonian Academy of Arts


Margaret Tali, Rebeka Põldsam


Marwa Arsanios, Ioana Cojocariu, Factory of Found Clothes, Elske Rosenfeld, The Bureau of Melodramatic Research


Café of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Estonia, Tallinn, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn

Screening Event and Discussion

D’EST goes ecofeminism at TOKSI-LINE festival in Tallinn

D’EST at TOKSI-LINE: feminism ­– environment – geopolitics festival
curated by Margaret Tali and Rebeka Põldsam
in collaboration with the web magazine Feministeerium

D’EST video screening with Marwa Arsanios, Ioana Cojocariu, Factory of Found Clothes, Elske Rosenfeld and The Bureau of Melodramatic Research, introduced by Ulrike Gerhardt

Toxic masculinity, toxic ignorance, toxic anger… But can feminism also be toxic? Toxic to whom and in what circumstances? At the end of January, D’EST will travel to Tallinn and – together with a wide range of participants from art, activism and culture – interconnect the themes of feminism, environmental concerns and Eastern Europe in order to discuss toxicity in our increasingly polluted world. Estonia has one of the lowest levels of environmental awareness in Europe (Eurobarameeter 2017). What roles do gender, the communication context, and geopolitics play in this?