6:00 pm
House 22, Former Stasi Headquarter, Campus for Democracy, Ruschestr. 103, 10365 Berlin[CURATORS]
Katja Kobolt, Bettina Knaup[ARTISTS]
Marwa Arsanios, Pauline Boudry / Renate Lorenz, Anetta Mona Chişa & Lucia Tkáčová, Renata Poljak, belit sağ, Katrin Winkler
Screening Chapter Launch #6
D’EST launches Chapter #6 “ReTopia” at wild recuperations
On December 15, 2018 we cordially invite you to D’EST’s last screening chapter launch for this year: ReTopia. Curated by Bettina Knaup and Katja Kobolt, screening chapter #6 ReTopia will be launched within the public program of wild recuperations. material from below: Artistic Research at the Archive of the GDR opposition. In conversation with two of the artists of the screening – Katrin Winkler and Marwa Arsanios – ReTopia acknowledges ‘post-socialism’ not only as a continental but also as a global phenomenon, though with palpable regional specificity and intensity.
The works by Marwa Arsanios, Pauline Boudry / Renate Lorenz, Anetta Mona Chişa & Lucia Tkáčová, Renata Poljak, belit sağ, and Katrin Winkler turn to the wounds constantly re-opened by the violence of binarity. However, they do not look back in anger, shame, or melancholy to the battles won – only to be lost again within the post … Rather they return to and turn away from the fallacies of modernity, in a search for embodied knowledge that is never comfortable or easy, but always important and sometimes even pleasurable.
From December 16th onwards, chapter #6 will be accessible online for all registered users until the end of 2020, in the company of the already published chapters #1-5. Free admission. Language of the event is English.
15 December 2018, 6-9pm
Public Launch
Screening Chapter #6: ReTopia with works by Marwa Arsanios, Pauline Boudry / Renate Lorenz, Anetta Mona Chişa & Lucia Tkáčová, Renata Poljak, belit sağ, and Katrin Winkler
Curated by Bettina Knaup and Katja Kobolt
Guests: Katrin Winkler, artist, and Marwa Arsanios, artist
6-7:30pm Part I
Introduction by Bettina Knaup and Katja Kobolt
Renata Poljak, Staging Actors/Staging Beliefs (Boško Buha) (2012), 10’45’’
belit sağ, disruption (aksama) (2016), 5’
Katrin Winkler, Towards Memory (2016), 32’
Q & A: Katrin Winkler in conversation with Bettina Knaup and Katja Kobolt
15min. break
7:45pm Part II
Pauline Boudry / Renate Lorenz, Charming for the Revolution (2009), 11’00’’
Anetta Mona Chişa & Lucia Tkáčová, Manifesto of the Liberated Pixel (2017), 6’39’’
Marwa Arsanios, Who is afraid of Ideology? Part I (2017), 23’00’’
Q & A: Marwa Arsanios in conversation with Bettina Knaup and Katja Kobolt
ReTopia is hosted within the public program of wild recuperations. material from below: Artistic Research at the Archive of the GDR Opposition, a collaboration between Robert-Havemann-Gesellschaft e.V. and District Berlin