4 December, 2018
1:00 am
1:00 am
Pawilon ul. Ewangelicka 1 Poznań, Poland 61-856[CURATORS]
Jelena Vesić, Nataša Ilić[ARTISTS]
Darinka Pop-Mitić, Anna Daučíková, Vukica Đilas, Factory of Found Clothes, Ana Hušman, Maha Maamoun, Rachel O’Reilly, Milica Tomić[HOSTS]
Zofia nierodzińska, Arsenal Municipal Gallery, Poznań
FEM-Zine “We Are Family” for Download
This zine accompanies the project We Are Family by D’EST.
Texts: Nataša Ilić and Jelena Vesić
Drawings and layout: Darinka Pop-Mitić
Editing: Jelena Vesić
Proofreading: Selene States
Coordinated by PAWILON, Galeria Miejska Arsenał and District Berlin
Supported by the Senate Chancellery Berlin – Department of Culture and
Galeria Miejska Arsenał
First edition
Print run: 50 copies
Click here for download: web_FEM_zine_We are family_Curated by Jelena Vesic and Natasa Ilic