Tatiana Bogacheva

Tatiana Bogacheva is a researcher with an interdisciplinary background and cultural worker living in Berlin. She studied law, worked in human rights and humanitarian organisations until she developed an interest in postcolonial criticism and entered a graduate program at Potsdam University (Germany) in 2014. She collaborated on a Post-Postsoviet project of School of Engaged Art including exhibitions and publications reflecting similarities between post-soviet and post-colonial positions in the context of global art. From 2019–2021, she was engaged in a research project by the Getty Foundation Connecting Art Histories. Being a first-generation immigrant, she is interested in historical socialist internationalism. Accordingly, she is developing a doctorate project which will focus on the archives of Film University Babelsberg as an example of the related archival politics in Germany.


ONLINE: Screening Chapter #8

Obscene West and Flickering Love Bites

Curated by Tatiana Bogacheva