Elske Rosenfeld


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Elske Rosenfeld, born 1974 in Halle/S.(GDR), works in different media and formats. Her primary focus and material are the histories of state-socialism and its dissidences, and the revolution of 1989/90. Documents and archives are starting points for organising spaces in which these hi/stories can come to be present. Her ongoing project “A Vocabulary of Revolutionary Gestures” investigates how political events manifest and come to be archived in the bodies of their protagonists. Her works have been featured in international exhibitions, among others at Staatliches Museum für Kunst und Design Nürnberg (2023), Bundeskunsthalle (2022), 12th Berlin Biennial (2022); Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (2020-21); Goethe Institute Moscow (2020), “Palast der Republik, Haus der Berliner Festspiele (2019), f/stop Leipzig (2018), Gorki Herbstsalon III (2017).