Author Archives for D'EST


Published by Comments Off on Izdeu

Izdeu is a Kazakh word for ‘search.’ The film is an exploration of convoluted trajectories of seven generations of the...

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Published by Comments Off on Moldakul

Moldakul is a tribute to the author’s elder friend and spiritual teacher, the renowned Kazakh artist Moldakul Narymbetov (1948–2012). The...

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My Mother’s Wound

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My Mother’s Wound is an autobiographical short documentary dealing with a certain kind of a generational trauma, which seems quite...

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Published by Comments Off on POST-DIY

POST-DIY is directed at the circumstances surrounding the bombing attack of the queer bar in Yerevan called ‘DIY.’ It aims...

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Pearlshower Ceremonial Event

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This is a video document of a clandestine queer ceremony that took place in Almaty on the premises of a...

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Published by Comments Off on À Í A

“Near my village most land has been sold, saved for the modest graveyard off in the distance.” A self-produced music...

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Sing an Idle Song

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Spaces are constantly overlaid over one another, like a window, a crack. A middle-aged man plays the guitar while singing...

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Published by Comments Off on PIRATED!

The video unites two moments of Vietnamese history — the aftermath of 1975 and the normalization of diplomatic relations between...

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In Bloom

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Bính’s family has run a flower farm for a few generations. His flowers bloom under the shadow of the cathedral...

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Shut Up White Boy

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When a white young man brings his newest Filipino girlfriend to an Asian restaurant, weird happenings ensue. The film by...

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My Everything

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In this performance, a music video is played live in a loop. The artist makes everyday gestures, washing her face,...

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Ja i AIDS (eng. Me and AIDS)

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Artur Żmijewski’s video Ja i AIDS (eng. Me and AIDS) (1996) emphasizes the role of the body as an expressive...

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Published by Comments Off on Welcome

In his discussion of masochism, Freud defines two phases: in the first phase, the child sees another child being beaten...

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Published by Comments Off on Chanoyu

Between 1973 and 1992, Croatian artists Sanja Iveković and Dalibor Martinis worked together sharing interest in social and political issues....

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Published by Comments Off on Kiss

The recording of the performance Kiss (1996) by Mare Tralla bears witness to the escalation of gender rivalry in the...

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Published by Comments Off on Order

The video work of Kristina Inčiūraitė Order (2004) is a part of the series Stages made between 2002 and 2005...

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The Moon and the Sunshine

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The Moon and The Sunshine (2000) is an early work of Boryana Rossa which touches upon several semantic layers and...

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Who is Afraid of Ideology? Part 1 & 2

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The wild species of carnation (qirnefîl in Kurdish, dianthus in Latin) are at home in the lands around the Mediterranean...

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Memory of Blind Elephant

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Đa búp đỏ translates as red buds. They belong to a community of fig trees whose survival depends on symbioerotic...

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Freiheit 3

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Giant reeds (Riesenschilf in German, arundo donax in Latin) have been cultivated in damp soils of temperate, subtropical and tropical...

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Who Is Afraid of Ideology? Part I

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“I don’t want the human to be in nature, as if nature is a container. … thinking isn’t the other...

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Manifesto of the Liberated Pixel

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Considering the etymological roots of manifest as ‘clearly revealed’ and ‘caught by hand,’ the work revels in contradiction. If at...

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Charming for the Revolution

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“The film is charming, but it is still labor. The labor to engage in demanding what should already be ours.”...

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towards memory

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The title Towards Memory (2016) alludes to a distance, a gap, a split, but also desire, movement, and oscillation. The...

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disruption (aksama)

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Leaving the oikos, a figure goes for a walk down the street of a nondescript city. On the pavements are...

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Ručak (Lunch)

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The lunch – before it became a business lunch or a lunch break – was a central, ritualized event bringing...

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Portrait of MM

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In 1964, a year after her mother’s death, Simone de Beauvoir published an account of the final six weeks of...

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Home Movies

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The mother of Vukica Đilas, Mitra Mitrović, was a drugarica (a female comrade) – the figure within the partisan resistance...

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Dear Animal

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Dear Animal is the story of a group of petty drug dealers who cannot find their stash because the pusher...

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Film Note (for The Gas Imaginary)

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When we last spoke,  I told you I was torq-ing  this difference between mine and manpower.  The efforts.  Because of...

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33 Situations (Excerpt)

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In 1935 Andrei Platonov wrote the screenplay Father-Mother. At the time he was also working on his (unfinished) novel Happy...

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Three Mothers and a Chorus

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Given voice, space and time, motherhood can, and should, be one of the central means through which a historical moment...

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Former East/Former West

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In the framework of the DAAD Artists-Program, filmmaker Shelly Silver spent several months in Berlin in 1992 when she conducted...

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A Bit of a Complex Situation

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A Bit of a Complex Situation is an intervention into footage from the first meeting of the Central Round Table...

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Published by Comments Off on GRAD

The film GRAD (2004) reflects female perspectives on the experiences of a community that has lost its motherland thirteen years after...

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Premium Connect

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Premium Connect envisions a study of information and communication technologies (ICT). It explores African divination systems, the fungi underworld, ancestors’...

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Die Umschulung (eng.Retraining)

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Die Umschulung (eng. Retraining) is a documentary film bearing the typical marks of Harun Farocki: uncommented, everyday scenes – as...

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Seduction of a Cyborg

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Lynn Hershman Leeson has been exploring the impact and potential of nascent technologies in relation to gender, sexuality, and disembodiment...

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Almost Nothing

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We are said to be living in a time of flow, although more often than not, we come across obstacles...

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my castle your castle

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my castle your castle features a television broadcast from within the skeleton of what is becoming the ‘new’ Berliner Schloss....

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Trùng Mù (Endless, Sightless)

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Trùng Mù (Endless, Sightless) begins with two figures behind a curtain patterned with foliage: a feminized cyborg is bent over...

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The Fog

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Ever since I found out about Ilona Németh’s video recording of the public intervention The Fog (2013), I dreamed about...

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A Feature Shared by All

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The fragmentary narrative of Maja Čule’s A Feature Shared by All (2017) examines airports as a place where economic divisions...

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Published by Comments Off on Self-Optimization

Now we know: according to the results of various contradictory experiments in psychological research, there is no sound evidence for...

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Published by Comments Off on Queue

To recreate the atmosphere of waiting, that is essential for the piece, the artist has decided to set screening times,...

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From My Window 1978-1999

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From My Window 1978–1999 is the most popular work by Polish artist Józef Robakowski. It is a long-term documentary project...

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Today Is 11th June 1993

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„Today is 11th June, 1993. The war has been going on for a very long time. I’ve tried everything to...

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Punane Koit (Red Dawn)

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Red Dawn (Punane Koit) documents the action of restoring the letters of the sign on the rooftop of a hosiery...

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Press House

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Press House is a twenty-two story building in Riga, built in 1978 to host different publishing houses, editorial offices of...

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12-Hour Working Day

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The performance 12–Hour Working Day examines production conditions under contemporary capitalism and the labor policies and working conditions of female...

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Instructions No. 2

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INSTRUCTIONS No. 2 is a remake of Iveković’s famous early work Instructions No. 1 (1976) in which the artist looks...

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Vocabulary Lesson (part 1)

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The backdrop to the CORO performance Vocabulary Lesson is the Vilnius Palace of Concerts and Sports. The site has a...

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Vocabulary Lesson (part 2)

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The backdrop to the CORO performance Vocabulary Lesson is the Vilnius Palace of Concerts and Sports. The site has a...

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The Lesson

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The work, conceived as a video performance, is a critical view of current modes of political education in Russia. The...

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To Prague With Love

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Like many other works by Ira Eduardovna, To Prague with Love is an attempt to place the memories of her...

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